GCh Laureate Invincible ROM x Ch Apple Acres Oakdale French Vanilla
15 1/4" sable,
CEA, CNGA1-PRA, DM, MDR1, VWD3 normal, DMS aabb
OFA hips good, CERF eyes normal
This beautiful girl finished her championship in a flash at age 2 including a 5 point specialty win. Carli is currently in Texas with Jennifer Harper
GCH Blue Heavens Lethal Weapon x GCH Two Js Cosmopolitan
15" tricolor
CERF Eyes normal, OFA hips good, CEA, CNGA1-PRA, DM, MDR1, VWD3 normal, DMS aaBB
Sophia finished quickly with 3 majors including a specialty win. Her first weekend out as a special she was awarded BOB at the Midlands SSC specialty, BOB, GR 4 in Lincoln and BOB, second weekend in Lawrence, KS, BOB, GR 2 and Reserve Best in Show owner handler. She finished her grand championship November, 2021. Sophia is the proud mother to 3 champions from her first litter sired by GCH Suncrest Scenic View ROM.
co-owned and living with Pam Yates
Ch. Rosmoor Elysium x Belmark Oakdale Snow Flurry
sister to GCh. Oakdale After Midnight
15 1/2" blue merle
CEA,CNGA1-PRA,DM, MDR1, VWD3 normal, DMSaaBb
Gr.Ch. Laureate Invincible ROM x Ch. Apple Acres Oakdale French Vanilla
13 1/2" sable
CEA,CNGA1-PRA,DM, MDR1, VWD3 normal, DMSaabb
Cadi is co-owned with Vicki Hutchison. 2 years old in this photo. Cadi is sporting 13 points, 1 major including an owner handler reserve Best In Show
Ch Oakdale Shades of Blue
GCh Lochlyn All Jacked Up ROM x GCh Shilohs Summer Nights
15 1/4 blue merle
CEA, CNGA1-PRA, DM, MDR1, VWD3 normal, DMS aabb
Harlee finished with a bang by going BOB over 3 champions and on to a Group 1! Harlee is now a Grand Champion and living in retirement.
Ch. Rosmoor Elysium x Ch. Oakdale Shades of Blue
Shown with co-owner Cindy Schmitt winning a big 5 point major at the GKCSSC specialty under Liz Bianchi
Daisy is currently sporting 8 points, 1 major and will be back out in 2024 to finish her championship.
CEA,CNGA1-PRA,DM, MDR1, VWD3 normal, DMS aaBb, eyes clear
Co-owned with Cindy Schmitt and Vicki Hutchison, living with Cindy Schmitt
Ch. Belmark Give Me Chills x Ch. Kimicko Attridge April in Paris
15" blue merle
CEA, CNGA1-PRA, DM, MDR1, VWD3 normal, DMS Aabb, OFA hips good
Now co-owned and living with Katlyn Esslinger
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